How it Works

The Complete Skills Centre started in August 2019 with an official launch of its services in October 2019. The core business idea was birth out of the need to connect Skilled Workers with those who are in need of Services that are not readily accessible by the click of a button. We offer a platform for Skilled Workers, Self-employed Individuals and Companies that offer services within the Skills area to advertise their services or business in order for them to connect with potential clients, for businesses to post general Job Vacancies on our website and provide Resume Writing assistance to those who require this service.


To provide an online platform to facilitate advertising of skilled workers, self-employed individuals and businesses that offer services in the skills area and other services which will provide benefits to its customers, the community in which it operates and its stakeholders alike.


To be the leading advertising Online Platform for Skilled Workers/Services in both customer base and revenue.

Core Values


As a company we promise to operate honestly in all our business dealings and transactions.

Integrity is the hallmark of our operations as we ensure that we uphold our ethical principles and morals.

We are customer centric and we value each of our clients and all are treated equally; as we do so with integrity and honesty we ensure that our clients and other stakeholders respect us as a business.

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